Some of you will know that I’ve spent the summer watching while beefy men built a log cabin in the woods – now known as the Snap & Scribble -- to be shared by me (tiny office in the corner) and the dh (huge photo studio), and years of, ahem, research material (in the loft).
It’s not entirely finished. I’m still missing “the wood” bit. The primroses, lords and ladies and ferns are all in pots waiting to underplant the first wave of trees -- silver birches – which will be arriving next month. Golly, I’m soooo looking forward to that. When it’s stopped raining I’ll take a photograph. (I do have a photograph of some early visitors, but I can't get the picture to upload so that'll have to wait until next week, too!)
The Books (I’ve finished)

The Books (I’m writing)
I’ve just finished The Sheikh’s Guarded Heart, my first book for the new Harlequin “Romance” line which is being launched next September – send me an email for a sneak peak – and now I’m working on the eighth (and final) book in a continuity series set around three luscious Italian restaurants.
The Books (I’m reading)

And then today the post brought me Sophie’s Bakery for the Broken Hearted by Lolly Winston. I immediately plunged in and was swept away.

Next week
I’ll tell you about how I came to write The Marriage Miracle and tell you more about the Lolly Winston book.
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