Wednesday, April 30, 2014


As I was cleaning my mom’s house on Saturday, I gave thanks that she got rid of the old coal furnace and switched to oil heat. It was so easy to wipe down the kitchen, dust, scrub the floors. But as I was cleaning, I remembered how necessary it had been when I was a kid that my sisters, mom and I gave the house a good cleaning in the spring to get rid of the coal dust, and open the windows and let in some fresh air.

And I thought…Does anybody spring clean anymore?

With Swiffers and Swiffer dusters (LOL!) I can pretty much keep my bedroom and downstairs dust free year round.  Scrubbing Bubbles keep my bathrooms sparkling. And my husband has a rule…if you don’t use it, you toss it. So we don’t have a once-a-year run through of our clothes to toss things we don’t wear.
In a way, it’s sad. Some of my fondest memories are of the sweet scent of Pine Sol wafting along the breeze blowing in through open windows. The feeling of freshly laundered throw rugs under my feet. And the crisp look of washed and pressed curtains. The ritual often felt like the first sign that we were shaking off winter and welcoming spring with a clean house. J
Like so many rituals of my childhood that are now gone, I miss it. So I’ve decided to take a few days (as soon as I’m sure it’s not going to snow anymore) and clean with Pine Sol!
So what about you…do you spring clean?

Here's the Rafflecopter! You know what you have to do!


Liz Fielding said...

With no coal fires and no smokers in the house, Susan, I don't do anything organised. A powerful vacuum, easy to use cleaners and the lovely new steamer I have keep things bright all year round. I do need to get out the carpet shampooer though. That's a job that never quits.

Susan said...

I think we're all in the same groove now, Liz. With the exception of my office (LOL!) it's much easier to just be clean all year round.

But I miss the pomp and circumstance of a good spring cleaning!


Kate Hardy said...

I'm very glad you have the office as an exception ;) (Mine gets very messy between books!) With a dog who *really* sheds, it's easier to do it as we go along. I like the idea of a wardrobe clearout, though. My daughter made me do that last year (when I'd lost more shape than I'd expected and discovered that the outfit I planned to wear for a work do was way too big!) and it's much nicer having everything organised.

Susan said...

I have a tendency to forget about clothes, Kate. They get shoved to the back of the closet and don't resurface until they are so out-of-date no one would want them.

Which is why a yearly go-through is a necessity! LOL


Liz Fielding said...

I had a clothes clear out when I moved but if the criteria is that if you haven't worn it for a year, I have an awful lot of stuff that could go. I recently thought I'd wear an old favourite pair of Hampstead Bazaar trousers and when I put them on they fell down. The elastic had gone!

Susan said...

LOL, Liz!

It's odd when you begin realizing some of your faves are actually over ten years old!


Liz Fielding said...

Bit of shock, Susan, but this is a seriously favourite two-piece (a bit shalwar kameez) and I've bought new elastic. Just need to get out the workbox!

Misty Shaw said...

I dont do a big spring clean, just do a major clean when ive had enough x

Susan said...

That's me too, Charlotte. About once a month every room gets a good swiffering, beyond the usual vacuuming, dusting etc.

Technically, I think our houses are cleaner for it.



Laurie G said...

I need to do a complete house cleaning. Unfortunately it's too easy to put off. Maybe I have to think small and do one room at a time.