Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Thank you all so much for a fun competition.  Well done!

Most of you got it - I thought the glasses were a giveaway, to be honest, but the mouth has not changed a bit.

The dress, in case anyone is the slightest bit interested was a deep blue with a desperately old-fashioned yoke and tied at the back with a bow.  And we wore panama hats and grey blazers with blue and grey badge.  The white collar was not detachable.

The girl directly in front of me, by the way, is Caroline Clifton-Mogg, now an acclaimed journalist and author of books such as French Country Living.

Now for the prizes.  Everyone gets a book - on a first come, first served basis - from the following list: -

A Nanny For Keeps
A Family of His Own
City Girl in Training
The Ordinary Princess
Her Ideal Husband
Eloping With Emmy
Dating Her Boss

Take you pick and send me an email - liz at lizfielding dot com - better give two choices!

Next up will be the first of an occasional series called Ask An Author - and if you have a burning question about writing in general, or for Harlequin Mills and Boon in particular, then drop me a line, or leave a comment and I'll add it to the list I'm building up.


Sarah Callejo said...

Yipeeeee! But how can we ever choose?
Thank you so much Liz, this was great fun. But it was your nose and smile that were the real giveaways!

Lacey Devlin said...

Thank you so much, Liz. It's very generous of you to offer us each a book! I have to admit I chose based on your smile too =)