Monday, September 01, 2008


I'm delighted to announce that Trish from Australia is the winner of my website competition for an advance, hardback edition of WEDDED IN A WHIRLWIND, which isn't published in paperback until November in the US and UK and December in Australia. Many thanks to everyone else who took part.


It's always fun to have the books translated into another language. Last September, when I was in Italy, it was The Secret Life of Lady Gabriella that was on sale and I was able to stop by the kiosks and say hello.

This year The Bride's Baby will be published in Italy in September. I'll be in Guernsey, doing my mother of the bride bit this year, so if you're lucky enough to be in Bella Italia, look out for it at those little green kiosks and say hello.


Quando si è messa a organizzare un evento speciale come un matrimonio fiabesco non credeva che la sposa sarebbe stata lei!

Allestire eventi è la specialità di Sylvie Smith e inscenare un matrimonio da sogno le pare una buona idea per raccogliere fondi per una causa benefica. Certo, impersonare la parte della sposa lo rende un po' più personale, anche perché Longbourne Court, la dimora ancestrale teatro dell'avvenimento, un tempo apparteneva proprio a lei. Prima di diventare appannaggio di Tom McFarlane.

Bello, affascinante e ricchissimo Tom ha più di una cosa in comune con Sylvie. Entrambi amano la campagna inglese ed entrambi credono nella chimica immediata tra uomo e donna. Come è successo a loro due, cinque mesi prima...

For more, click here

And on Wednesday, Trish Wylie will be here to talk about her latest book -- don't miss it!

Oh, and it's ...



Snookie said...

Ok, so who is Hugh Jackman? nice pic of him by the way :)

Congrats Trish on winning wedded in a whirlwind!

Liz Fielding said...

Hi Snookie

Hugh Jackman -- where can I begin? Australian actor who has provided more romantic heroes for us poor writers than we've had hot dinners. Hi thee hence to the Pink Heart Society blog to (link on the sidebar) to check out more photographs. Especially the one of him in a towel...

Kate Hardy said...

Liz, that is a seriously nice cover.

And hope the countdown to the Big Day is going well!