There are also copies of The Duke's Secret Wife (Mills & Boon 100th Birthday Collection)
Congratulations to the winners send in your snail mail addies to me at liz @ lizfielding.com and Liz will pass them on.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Unlike Mills & Boon I didn’t have a lot to celebrate at the beginning of this year. My lovely grandma had just died, I was about to lose my home and then, to top it all, I put my foot through a dodgy floorboard, which was jolly painful I can tell you. Finding a jewelled knife hidden away did dull the pain somewhat, but then everything got out of control. I knew, as soon as I’d said it, that telling the antiques bloke that my great-great-grandmother was an Arab princess who’d sewn her jewels into her clothes and run away with my great-great-grandfather was a mistake. But he clearly thought the knife had been looted during the First World War and I wasn’t having anyone think that of my g-g-grandad; he was a hero.
But then I saw the local newspaper…
The doorbell rang and without thinking Violet wrenched it open, certain that it would Sarah. She’d taken to dropping in every morning in the last few weeks, to see if she needed anything. She usually came round the back, letting herself in with her “good neighbour” key as she had yesterday when she’d heard her cry for help when the floor had given way.
Clearly the fact that the phone had gone unanswered was causing her concern, but since she’d bolted the back door last night, the key would be useless.
But it wasn’t Sarah, who was tiny – apart from around the middle where she was spreading spectacularly – and fair; the figure that filled the tiny porch was her opposite in every conceivable way.

Dark as midnight and just as dangerous.
He looked very … foreign.
He was also stunningly, knee-wobblingly handsome.
Violet was suitably stunned. And her knees dutifully wobbled.
Just her luck that she’d emerged from the shower pink of face, with her hair in its usual wet tangle and nothing between her and decency but a film of moisturiser and a faded pink bathrobe that could only be described as … functional.
‘Miss Hamilton?’
Oh, and guess what… He had a voice like melted chocolate, delicately flavoured with an exotic, barely-there accent.
Whatever he was selling she was buying by the crate…
Except, of course, that he was far too expensively dressed to be a door-to-door salesman. She knew clothes. And what he was wearing did not come off a peg in the High Street.
Oh, well. She was expecting a visit from a representative of the finance company to call any day with the release papers for her to sign so that they could sell the house, recover their money.
This had to be him.
‘Miss Violet Hamilton?’ he repeated, when she didn’t answer.
‘Who?’ she asked, just to hear him say Violet again. Long and slow.
Pronouncing every syllable, turning a name she’d loathed only slightly less than the hideously shortened “Vi” into the most desirable name in the entire world.
‘I’m looking for Miss Violet Hamilton.’ And taking the newspaper from her hand, he held the front page up for her to see. ‘I believe I’ve found her.’
No point pretending to be the lodger, then. Asking him to come back when she’d gussied herself up; straightened her hair, applied some make-up, was decked out in one of her more creative outfits. Oh, well…
‘And here I was kidding myself that the photograph is so awful that you couldn’t possibly tell,’ she said. ‘Clearly I was fooling myself.’
He looked at the photograph and then at her for rather longer than seemed necessary just to confirm the likeness. Then, clearly thinking better of commenting one way or the other, he returned the paper and said, ‘I am Fayad al Khalifa, Miss Hamilton.’ And he held out a visiting card -- as if they couldn’t printed off by the dozen in any name you cared to dream up by anyone with a computer.
Except that this wasn’t a do-it-yourself job, but embossed on heavy ivory-coloured card.
If he was from the finance company, he certainly wasn’t one of the foot-soldiers.
The front of the card gave no hint, but contained only his name: Fayad al Khalifa. Unusual enough. She turned it over. The back was blank. No address, no phone number.
Obviously this was a man whose name was enough for those with the wit to recognise it. Which did not include her.
‘Nice card,’ she said. ‘But a trifle shy of information.’
‘The Ras al Kawi embassy will vouch for me.’
‘Oh, well, that’s all right then,’ she said. Her friends would have recognised sarcasm. He apparently did not, but merely nodded. Good grief, he was serious…
Ras al Kawi? Where was that?
‘I need to talk to you about a khanjar that I believe is in your possession,’ he said. ‘It is possible that it once belonged to my family.’
‘Oh?’ Then, realising that he come to demand it back, ‘It’s amazing how fast good news spreads.’
‘You have no idea. Perhaps I should wait in my car while you …’
He made the vaguest of gestures, resolutely looking at her face, avoiding her bare legs, the shabby bathrobe that had a tendency to gape at the neck. It made no difference, every inch of her skin tingled.
‘Dress?’ she offered, lippy to the last. Except that the word didn’t come out quite as she’d intended, but thick and throaty and more to avoid those eyes, than because she was interested in his choice in transport, Violet looked past him.
A black Rolls Royce was parked at the kerb. The little green and gold flag on the bonnet stirred in the breeze.
She barely stopped herself from letting slip an expression that would have brought her a rebuke from her grandma.
Her breathless, ‘Who are you?’ wasn’t a whole heap better.
‘If your story is true, Miss Hamilton, then your great-great-grandmother, Princess Fatima al-Sayyid, was once married to my great-great-grandfather.’
She would have been embarrassed about that, but a scream from rear of the house – Sarah’s scream -- obliterated the sound.
And that was just the beginning because it turned out that the knife I found wasn’t just any piece of fancy cutlery, but the “Blood of Tariq”, which it seemed an awful lot of people wanted to get their hands on and not all of them bothered to knock at the front door.
And truly, I wasn’t “chosen” as the sheikh’s wife.
Sheikh Fayad didn’t have any choice at all and no one actually bothered to ask me, but you can read how it panned out for yourself in 100 Arabian Nights
How lucky that I'm going into town tomorrow.
Congrats to all the ladies.
Your book sounds soooo good Liz. I just put it on my TBL. Your inspiration for the hero from heroes is so hot!
The book sounds great!
The book sounds really good, Liz.
Speaking as someone who read that story just over a week ago - it's fantastic. Violet's just lovely - the sort you want to be your best friend - and if you want to fall for a tall, dark, handsome stranger with a sense of honour and a sexy mouth, who's strong and yet so, very caring...
Highly recommended by me, anyway!
Ooh, ooh, ooh. I want this book. As usual I've read the excerpt and I'm hooked. Sigh. Will have to wait to get my hands on it. Thanks Liz! Another lovely sheikh story to look forward to. Yours are the best.
Ah, comments! They're not coming through to my inbox...
Thanks for all the lovely words about Violet and Fayad.
I've got all the second series Heroes stacked up to watch, Dena. Had to abandon everything while I finished the book. :)
Annie, I have no idea when the book will get to Australia since it's not an HR and so doesn't have a "schedule". Same goes for the US, I'm afraid.
Oooh Liz, you're very naughty, teasing us like this...
Love the sound of this book! Can't wait for it to reach OZ shelves!
Long distance contact with editors, even via the internet, meant I didn't have a clue who I was going into the 100 Arabian Nights anthology, so was delighted when my copies of the book arrived to find I was in with Liz. The fact that I'm an Aussie means the book should come out over here in Oz - I sincerely hope it does as it's lovely reading - well the other two stories are great, but for some reason I can't read my own books once they're published. I just pray they've turned out okay! Hope everyone enjoys it.
Meredith Webber
Ooh, I'll have what Violet's having.
Great excerpt, Liz. I can't wait to read the rest of it. I hope Meredith is right and we get it here in Oz... SOON!
Hi Meredith. Gosh you're patient. I asked who I was being published with! I loved your story, btw. Both your characters were just so warm and caring. V. different from a lot of "sheikh" stories. I love that they're going across all the series now and so we get a much more rounded look at this particular alpha male.
LOL, Michelle!
Oh I want to meet Violet! I hope it comes out here soon!
Can we get this book as an e-book? just wondering as I really want to read it, but not sure I how to purchase it from the UK. Hmmmm think I'll check with Borders and see if they can order it and let them deal with the exchange rate.
Snookie, Mills & Boon are soon to launch e-books from the UK, but at the moment 100 Arabian Nights is only available as a print book. Powells do some UK editions, although they charge an arm and a leg. You should be able to buy from Amazon.co.uk -- I've certainly bought from Amazon.com!
So far no news of US release, but I will ask if it's in the schedule anywhere.
Mahalo Liz :) Am going to check out the Book Depository next.
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