And very generously, Kate is also going to send a copy of the Penhally book to Penn.
It was lovely having you as a guest, Kate. I can't wait to read His Royal Love-Child myself.
I'm off to London for a jolly today, to catch up with Elizabeth and Marieteresa from the Matera Literary Festival -- they're over for the London Book Fair, but don't go away. The always delightful Jan Jones will be here later in the week to tell you about the Romantic Novelists' Association, and give away a copy of Stage by Stage (which is wonderful). And later in the month I have a cover artist -- the lovely man who produced the cover for The Marriage Miracle, A Family of His Own, Reuntied: Marriage in a Million and The Secret Life of Lady Gabriella. He's going to tell us how he does it!
Oh, and if you're wondering about the picture -- that the entrance hall to Longbourne Court, Sylvie's ancestral home in THE BRIDE'S BABY. The staircase...
Truly gorgeous staircase, Liz, but I hadn't pictured the walls so, er, papered.
Lovely staircase.
Absolutely beautiful. Also - congratulations to Dena! Two times lucky!
Oh, Liz. You're off to London - didn't even notice the staircase after I read that bit. Hope you have fun.
Congrats Dena.
Havr fun in London.
Thanks Kate and Liz! and everyone else.
The Hall is gorgeous, have a fun London.
Okay -- the brain in back in order now (we haven't had any power since 11 o'clock this morning so I had a little nap).
The organiser of the Matera Women's Fiction Festival is Elizabeth Jennings and you'll find a link to the Festival's webpage on my sidebar links.
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