If I’d had the poor woman’s address I’d have sent her a comfort parcel of “Tender” romances.

They’ve also got Sophie Weston’s December “Tender” on order for me. I’d been under the impression that M&B distribution was too rigid to deal with individual requests but I’m delighted to discover that this isn’t the case. I’m not knocking the big chains. I love Borders and WHS; they sell my books, so get my full support – and a fair bit of my hard-earned, too! I’ve nothing against Ottakers and Waterstones and when they start supporting me, I’ll return the compliment, but in the meantime I’ll continue to use small business where I can. Maybe it’s my age, but I enjoy dropping in at the local butcher, baker and bookshop and getting old-fashioned personal service along with a bit of a chat.

Finally, I received an entry form from the Virginia Romance Writers chapter of the RWA for their HOLT Medallion Award so, taking action before it became buried beneath a pile of “later” stuff, I went to hunt out books with the relevant copyright date only to discover that a pile of new books has much in common with my sock drawer; when you need a matching set, all you can find are three odd ones.
I was very excited to receive an entry form for the HOLT too, but I can't enter yet! Whaaa!
Still, it made me feel special. Yay!
Liz, thanks for the BOGOF tip! My local Woolies doesn't seem to sell M&Bs but since I'm in London I'm sure I can find another one that does.
Next year, Julie!
Nikki, I understand it's just 50 of the biggest Woolies that are doing the offer. Hope you find one!
Liz, I missed the "50 big Woolies" bit when I first read through your post. I always read things in a hurry. But there must be a BIG one in London somewhere! I will find it.
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