I’m not sure where the cover art for my books is produced but I’ve come to the conclusion that the heroic male must be as difficult to find in the model catalogues as he is in real life. The lovely man on the US cover of A Nanny for Keeps has been around a while. In previous incarnations, he’s been a sheikh on the US cover of His Desert Rose,

a jazz musician in Dangerous Flirtation, an investigator in His Personal Agenda, a media tycoon in Bittersweet Deception and just plain gorgeous in A Suitable Groom. And surely that rear view of the groom on the stunning – if disingenuous -- cover of The Marriage Miracle has been seen before on City Girl in Training…
Colleagues occasionally post their fantasy hero/pin ups on their blogs. Being on the mature side of the age scale I rarely recognise these guys so I thought I’d retaliate with the gorgeous
Michael Wood, a man who, if I lost the remote, I’d heave myself off the sofa to turn the television on just for the pleasure of looking at him. It’s a bonus that his programmes are so riveting!
Agree entirely re Michael Wood! I remember him when he did the Dark Ages series (which must be nearly 20 years ago). Fell in love with him then. Any man who can read Old English poetry so well... Bliss.
And you've just given me a lightbulb moment re a future hero...
*rushes in*
LIZ!! The Marriage Miracle was fantastic! I picked it up today whilst on business in Brum. Went to have lunch before my meeting and almost missed it... and it is all your fault! Finished the book on the train homw. I loved it. I'm not sure what the train staff thought of me getting all teary. Thank you for writing such an excellent story.
Michael Wood -- the thinking woman's crumpet. he just is. And I totaly agreeabout his programmes. They are a must watch.
Kate, I never saw the man read Old English poetry -- but his backside was created for close fighting, worn soft jeans :)
Ah, Biddy... crying on the bus, the train, in the cinema -- been there, done that. Waterproof mascara was invented purely for me.
My daughter was reading Sophie's Bakery for the Broken-Hearted on the underground last week. Everyone looked studiously away as she cried her eyes out, then she came to a funny bit, snorted and a bubble of snot shot out of her nose. Not the image of the bright young executive she was hoping to portray...
Liz, ROFL on your daughter!
I nearly got chucked off a train once when I was reading a Katie Fforde (Living Dangerously or The Rose Revived - can't remember which one now). I got to a really hysterical bit and I was laughing so much, various passengers were giving me funny looks. And the ticket conductor turned up at that point and asked me if I was all right... I just told them to go and buy the book because it was a treat.
Er, I meant close FITTING jeans.
Actually, I think close FIGHTING jeans could be more interesting...
Michael Wood eh? He is pin-up of bookshop manager friend. She managed to persuade him to do a signing of his Shakespeare history and I got one for my 40th birthday. Yum. BTW Ian Rankin is pretty cute, TDH, witty and a lovely guy.
Liz, I don't think romance authors are allowed to use such phrases as a bubble of snot!
Romance writers can (and do) use all kinds of language -- the trick is getting it passed the editor!
Or past even.
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