Wednesday, April 04, 2018

Glitz previews the royal wedding...

Obviously, any royal wedding will attract the gossip magazines. There will be cover pictures, stories about the dress designer, speculation on the honeymoon destination. Our royal wedding is no different..

The editor of Celebrity, having sacked my heroine and having totally blotted his copybook with an outrageous article, is out in the cold, but Glitz was given a preview of Ally's diary of the wedding, Becoming a Princess.

Here's the cover of their wedding "special". :)
The Baronet's Wedding Engagement is still available to download free -  here are the links.

Amazon US
Amazon UK


dstoutholcomb said...

fun post


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Thanks, Denise!

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Roy said...

I am fascinated to learn about what will be revealed from Ally’s wedding diary.