Crucible: A vessel, usually of
earthenware, made to endure great heat, used for fusing metal; a melting pot; fig, used for any severe test or trial.
When writing series romance which is mostly around 50,000
words, there is very little spare wordage for sub-plots and secondary
characters. The focus is totally on the hero and heroine. In real life, people
who aren’t living together tend not to spend that much time together. Even when
they are living together they will be apart all day, doing their own thing in
the evening (even if it’s only the ironing) and at the weekend. Life is, let’s be
honest, mostly just getting through the week.
Life in the romance novel cannot be like that. It will start
at a moment of crisis. A point at which the lives of your hero and heroine are
about to change forever. It can be as simple as getting lost, delayed or doing
a good deed that gets our heroine into hot water. If you’ve read The
Billionaire Takes a Bride, you’ll know how easily that can get out of hand!
Or, as in my latest Harlequin Romance, Her
Pregnancy Bombshell, it will be the moment is when the stick turns blue.
Whatever happens next should throw the hero and heroine
together, confined by a place, or a situation from which they cannot walk away.
Their crucible; the place where their feelings are put to the test.
They do not have to live in the same place or even be in the same country for the crucible to hold them together. In The Bachelor's Baby it took nine months of struggling against the whole idea of being a father for my hero to get it. They never lived together, were mostly miles apart, but the progressing pregnancy acted as the crucible. It was in the hero's head, he was thinking about it 24/7. Doing things for the heroine so that he wouldn't have to be there and all the while she was subverting his efforts, telling him go away, that she could handle it. (That one was nominated for a Rita!) For almost every minute of the book they were either together or thinking about one another. If they are apart for too long have one of them send an unexpected text, or phone all.
Look at those two covers. They tell you what the readers wants. The hero and heroine are together, close and that's the point. The total connection. I've read manuscripts where the hero and heroine barely talk to each other let alone spend time together or think about each other. There was one where the hero's golf clubs got more attention from the hero (and page time) than the heroine.
Your plot will dictate the crucible.
For a “dating the boss”
scenario, you have the office. A crisis, not necessarily for the
company, the boss's domestic crisis can be just as useful, can throw the hero and heroine together, Enemies or partners in an effort to stave off disaster are equally good - just as long as the feelings are passionate. An overseas trip can throw the
hero and heroine together intimately in a situation where, with the desk is no
longer between them, they will see one another in a whole new light.
The storm is a classic. Cut off, stranded, by the weather offers a great crucible but always remember that it’s
the reason why your hero and heroine are confined in a mountain while a
blizzard rages around them that is important. The storm is just the
soundtrack to the drama being played out within the hut. Concentrate on why the heroine is desperate to get somewhere when a white out closes in and she has to take shelter. Why she ignored the weather warning. And why the hero is there. He has a story, too.
The jungle, desert, or
stranded on an island works just as well. It’s the hardship, the need to work
together (especially if they dislike one another) that brings them together.
A journey across country. Shut up in a car with someone you hate, or like too much when he doesn't return your feelings. Does he know or is he oblivious?
A cause (keep it something local, something fictitious, not your cause) where they are on opposite sides rouses passion, keeps them on one another's mind. The relationship can be anything, the man/woman who dumped them, an embarrassing schoolgirl crush that he teases her about, posh girl/poor boy made good. Something personal to lend an edge to the fight over a development.
The important thing to remember is that the crucible is what holds them together, it's the emotion, the passion, that makes a story.
Next time, the vital opening.
Don't forget that my Little Book of Writing Romance is available to download from all outlets and it's also available in paperback is you like to highlight stuff or make notes. (If you buy the paperback from Amazon you will also get a download.) There are links to all outlets in the sidebar..
My favourite "crucible" of yours was the book where the hero and heroine were stuck underground together. Brilliant book.
Thanks so much, Anne Ghastly title - Wedded in a Whirlwind - and cover but I love that book!
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