Monday, March 24, 2014

Breaking news...

Major breaking news in our house over the weekend.

Cora Rose, my oldest granddaughter wanted a puppy. The little one, Veda Mae, wanted a giraffe. Their parents gave it some thought and decided it might be more fun to give them another sister or even a little brother.

The third grandbaby is due in the autumn. Mother's Days just don't get better than that!


Unknown said...

That's fantastic news!! Wonderful timing for Mother's Day! Congrats x

Margaret Kaine said...

Absolutely wonderful! I love the word grandbaby!

Liz Fielding said...

Thanks, Charlotte - too excited to think!

Liz Fielding said...

Hi Margaret - it's one of those words that just flew out of the ends of my fingers when I was typing. :)

Kate Walker said...

Lovely news, Liz - if your third grandbaby is as lovely as the other two, it will be really lovely. And want a lucky grandbaby to have you and DH as grandparents