Sunday, December 09, 2012

Celebrating with a Kindle freebie!

It's Sunday so it's time for another "Six" but this week it's a very special one. December 2012 is the 20th anniversary of the publication of my first book by Harlequin Mills & Boon, An Image of You.

I don't have an online version of that to give away to mark the occasion, but I have just republished OLD DESIRES and as a gift to all my readers, I'm giving it away free this week (from 9th-13th December) at Amazon. The link here and on the sidebar is to the US, but you'll find it on whichever Amazon you use - US, UK, France, Germany... the list goes on

But just in case you need a little more incentive, here's my "six" taster.

She closed her eyes in an effort to blot out the desire in his eyes, not quite trusting it, but knowing that it was far too late for her to fight the echoing response he must all too clearly see in hers. Knowing that she was helpless to resist.
He took her face between his hands, tilting her face upwards cradling it in his long fingers until she could bear it no longer. ‘Please…’ The word, barely more than a sigh, escaped her lips, but whether she was begging for release or capture she scarcely knew. Until he kissed her and by then it was too late.

For those new to this, the rules are simple:
1) pick a project – a current Work in Progress, contracted work or even something readers can buy if you’re published
2) pick six sentences
3) post ‘em on Sunday
See? Easy. Want to play? See the site for information on how to do just that: Six Sunday
If you have a Twitter account, you can add the hashtag #sixsunday to your tweets when you tweet a link to your Six Sentence Sunday post. If you’re a writer (regardless of published/unpublished status) come join us!

And you can read brief excerpts of dozens of other great books at Sunday Six


Vince said...

Hi Liz:

I just downloaded “Old Desires”. Wow! I’m getting a sizeable TBR pile of just your books! I really want to read your first book and compare it to your latest books. I think that would be a good learning experience for me. When that first books comes out, I think a celebration is in order.


Liz Fielding said...

Thanks, Vince. I'll be interested to hear what you think of a book I wrote in 1994. I did give it a light edit - apparently we didn't do much in the way of deep third back then and no hero viewpoint. The H's were all deeply mysterious, rather more alpha back then. In the UK there was only one series that included both Romance and Presents (which worked better imho - readers bought on author and story rather than sex quotient) and the tone was much closer across all the books.