Thursday, February 08, 2007


Online browsing can be an interesting experience. This morning I discovered that I'm available in eBook format. Or at least THE VALENTINE BRIDE is available. On it's own, or in a Brides and Babies Bundle with the fabulous Raye Morgan and Lucy Gordon.

And my online story (online no more) is now
available as a .99c download to your phone.
At least I think that's what it is.
(I'm an electronic dummy!)

I feel all ... smiley.

Add to that the fact that I'm talking about The Valentine Bride and the joys and pitfalls of writing a continuity series at The Pink Heart Society Blogspot today and, well, I'm bouncing just like the little pink heart himself!


Anne McAllister said...


Yes, I discovered a couple of weeks ago that I'm electronic, too. You'd think we'd feel a shock or something, wouldn't you, when they plugged us in?

Will wonders never cease!

Anyway, I'm delighted that Max is electronic, too. More people can carry him around in the E-readers or whatever. Do you suppose Max would like to be kept in a Blackberry? Serve him right -- before he stopped being such a work-aholic!

Anonymous said...

"I'm bouncing just like the little pink heart himself!" Is it any wonder you write for the Romance line? :-)