Saturday, January 20, 2007


Good grief!

Can’t a girl have a little fun with a couple of friends? Kick back at a Spa, enjoy the bliss of an innocent body scrub, the odd aromatherapy massage, a facial or two. Run a little competition just to make life interesting for our authors without our menfolk deciding to get competitive?

I’m Louise by the way and Max (adorable, sexy) is my groom! Don’t be fooled by all that macho chest-beating stuff by the way; he’s putty...

Okay, it took him a little while to get his priorities right, to discover that all work and no play is a very bad idea. Although working with Max is fun, too, even when – especially when I have to go the extra mile to get his undivided attention.

Not a problem. I have years of practice to call on. Ever since he kissed me under the mistletoe the Christmas I was sixteen if you want to know. Before that we were just kids and obviously I hero-worshipped him. But that kiss changed everything. I was still on his case, but he was running for cover. Even when I had him lined up as my date for the school Prom (with a killer dress to change into the minute I was out of the house) he did the sensible thing and stood me up. I’m prepared to admit, now, that it was a good thing (he's a good guy) but I didn't see it that way at the time and it took me a long time to forgive him.

In fact, if he hadn’t needed me so badly to help with the relaunch of Bella Lucia that he was reduced to begging (which was very sweet!) I might never have discovered just how much he was suffering, too.

Which reminds me, darling Max, I’m supposed to be the PR genius in this twosome. Not that you’re making a bad job of promoting this competition you’re running with Theo and Domenico. Clearly you were paying very close attention at that one-on-one masterclass I gave you that night when... Well, you know when.

Obviously, I would have done the whole thing with considerably more elegance; rather less emphasis on the size, rather more on the quality of the prizes on offer. For quality you really need the Brides competition; three prizes of three books telling our stories – Martha’s, Alice’s and mine. I can see that you’d have to offer something really outstanding to compete with that, but while three prizes of nine books might just be a little excessive, I have to admit that more of the Fabulous Three’s books cannot be a bad thing. Just remember that our story is the important one.

Anyway, I’m glad to see that you’re keeping very good company in my absence; I hope you’re taking notes of Domenico’s delicious Italian phrases, Mr "I’m-a-Quarter-Italian"! And if Theo’s an example of what’s on offer afloat, well, let me tell you that I’m not averse to a little water sport, either!

I can see why Martha couldn’t wait to get back to her beloved...

Where, exactly are you planning to take me on our honeymoon, my love? Somewhere hot? Somewhere where we can do a little diving? A little sailing? If you give me a hint, I might just give you a clue where to find me...

Ah, too late! A delightful Irishman has just arrived to give me a pedicure and foot massage...

Irishman? There are men at this Spa? Okay, that’s it, I’m on the next plane to Dublin. Liz, can you hold the fort here for a bit? Remind people about the Grooms competition, or something...

As if I haven’t got enough to do, Max! Although I have to agree with the reviewer at Romantic Times who said “...strong-minded Louise and attractively arrogant Max are well matched, and their sparring is especially memorable...” She certainly got the "sparring" bit right!

Okay, I know, you’re missing Louise and I suspect she was teasing you for the same reason. She meant to bring you running and these days, I’m very glad to see, you want to run to her and not in the opposite direction. I'm really rather proud of you...

Oh, dear, he seems to have gone. Impatient. I like that...

Right, well, since Max and Louise seem to have other things on their minds right now – bless – I’ll just remind you that the Brides competition is open until the 31 January. For three chances to win copies of THE ITALIAN’S FORCED BRIDE, THE SANTORINI BRIDE and THE VALENTINE BRIDE you need to send the names of all three heroines (first and last names) by email to Anne, Kate and or me – you’ll find the information you need and links on our websites.

For details of the Grooms competition, which is open until 10 February, click


Anonymous said...

Oh, Louise! You TOLD him! Well, enjoy him when he gets there. I am sure you will. He' seriously gorgeous (stop it, Theo! Just let me finish this and then we'll, um . . .)

Gotta go, Louise. Have FUN!

love, Martha

Anonymous said...

No, honestly! He must have guessed Dublin because of all that stuff about Kate. And then he just went to every Spa within fifty miles until he... just a bit to the right, sweetheart... oh, oh... I'll, um, be back...

Anne McAllister said...
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Anonymous said...

Yes, definitely. We can blame it on Kate. Or on Alice who is Kate's responsibility. Anyway, I must admit, it's nice to be back -- and have Theo here. I missed him.